About Shree Shankar Narayan Education Trust (SNET)

CEO's Desk

Today, Technology has changed the fate and face of human development in each field. Man is a rational animal. Man has achieved great heights or success and innovations only with the help of his reason, so reasoning ability is basic qualification for technological evolution. Somebody has rightly said that 'Knowledge is power'. Reasoning paves the way of knowledge. It starts one's journey from Ignorance to Knowledge. Therotical Knowledge helps the students to acquire good grades in Examination. Application of this knowledge fetches achievement and series of Opportunities in student's life. Generally and unfortunately many students fail in the subject of 'Application of academic knowledge' in day-to-day life as well as in the concerned profession. To achieve or attain long term success one has to use knowledge, application of knowledge besides reasoning ability; required in concerned profession.

Apart from professional success one has to also become successful in personal life. A skilled professional person or employee should be good human being. A good and well skilled personnel are pillars of the organization. An organization in not only known by its name but also by components of the organization.

I do personally feel, a technocrat must be a good human being, then and there he can serve a delicious dish of achievements to our society and world at large.