About Shree Shankar Narayan Education Trust (SNET)

Secretary's Message

Our Engineering college has made abundant progress the stewardship our innovator chairman Shri. Rohidasji Patil. The 21st era belongs to Science, Technology and Globalization.

The world is rapidly growing in ever sphere. There are lots of researches and inventions are being carried out by the scientist and technocrats for the endurance and sustenance of their country. Our management always encourages for innovative ideas and concepts for further development of the institute in particular and country in general. The members of teaching, non-teaching and student should contribute their share for the academic excellence and over all development of our polytechnic. We should strive to maintain excellent result and further new height of glory and splendors in the crown of our polytechnic and management as well.

I hope that the Engineering will focus on the potential and credentials of students by giving them ample opportunities to prove their hidden skills and intellect.

Our joint efforts and whole hearted dedication will culminate goal of our trust in to reality. My best wishes to all.

Mr. Mahesh Mhatre

Secretary – Shree Shankar Narayan Education Trust