
College Library is a important part of our institute. We have decent infrastructures in library with modern facilities. It is a place where various learning resources are available for staff and students. The college library has the mission of supporting curricular information. needs of students, teachers and researchers and providing material or accesss to bountiful resources. In order to meet the above objectives our library developed a dynamic collection and also variety of services.

Reading Room facility

Library has seating capacity of 100 students and internet connection for 6 number of students. Library timings are from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Library Services

  • Total books of accession are 17080.
  • International and national educational magazines subscribed are 11 and National Journals - 25.
  • Newspaper such as Times of India, Mumbai Morror, Loksatta, Free Press Journals.
  • OPAC system & Barcode system of Books for speedy search and locating self.
  • I-Card prepared by library.
  • Library has collection of 17080 books costing 40,00,000/-
  • Total educational C.D., D.V.D.'s available are 1300.
  • Question paper sets along with model answer paper of the previous year exams are available.
  • Internet surfing.
  • Reprography (Xerox) service.
  • Book Bank facility.
  • DELNET membership available in the Library.



The Only Thing That You Absolutely Have To Know, Is The Located Of The Library

Albert Einstein

Welcome to the PRP Engineering Library, is the libraries are backbone of any heart of the institute.  Library provides knowledge to all faculty and students. Our library has a very rich collection of relevant Management books and journals, Magazines, CD-ROMs, online databases for students and faculty members.

The library truly offers world class infrastructure The Library team welcomes you to the world of knowledge.

 The library remains open 08:00 A.M. – 04:00 P.M. Monday to Saturday.






Since its inception the library collection is getting multiplied with each academic year, till date the library comprises of 17080 books including text books, general books, reference books, etc.

Collection Status

Sr.No  Title  Count 
1 Books (Reference Book, Textbook, Novel , Etc )  17080
2 Newspaper  7
3 Magazines & Journals  36


  • The students are requested to make entry into visitor’s register and maintain silence in the library.
  • Personal belonging and eatables are not allowed inside the stack section and reading room of the library. 
  • Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Students must keep the bags and folders on the luggage racks after entering the library. The library is not responsible in case of any damages or theft of the belongings of the students kept in the library.
  • Students are not allowed to sit in the library while lectures are going on.
  • Students are requested to use the library materials and furniture very carefully without causing any damages.


  • Library card is non-transferable. Students are Responsible for books borrowed against library card.
  • Book will be issued on the submission of the library membership card by the concerned member only.
  • Only One books will be issued against the library card, at a time for 7 days.
  • If the book is not returned within due date, a fine of Rs.05/- per day per book will be charged.
  • Students must deposit the book card at the circulation counter before taking the book.
  • After one month delay in returning the books to the library; the list of defaulters will be submitted to the Director & necessary action will be taken against the students.
  • No new books shall be issued to a borrower having overdue books.
  • The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  • Question Papers, Newspapers, CDs, Journal, Syllabus copy and Magazines on display are meant for reference purpose only.
  • Project Reports are not allowed to be taken outside the library premises.
  • Writing or marking in library books is strictly prohibited.
  • Overdue fines shall be paid at the library counter.


  • The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books shall be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities until they pay the current cost of the book/document as a penalty.
  • A book misplaced shall be considered as the book lost. In such case, the borrower shall make the replacement of the same book of latest edition, within a week’s time or shall pay the current cost of the book.
  • Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library.                                       
Students must comply with the library rules failing which they may be excluded from the library use or incur a fine or strict action will be taken against them.