
In order to comply with the AICTE Regulation for addressing, student’s /staff’s grievance, “Grievance Redressal Committee” of PRAVIN  PATIL COLLEGE OF DIPLOMA ,ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY has been constituted with following members in different positions to enquire the nature and extent of grievance. The committee can suggest the final action to be initiated at the institutional level for the redressal of the same.

Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the Grievance Redressal Committee members inperson or convey in writing or through e-mail. Suggestion / complaint Box has been installed in front of the Administrative Block in which the Students/staff who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.


The purpose of the Grievance Redressal Committee is to develop a responsive and accountableattitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. Following objectives are framed for redressing the grievances reported.

  • Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring a strife free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship, Student-Staff relationship and staff-staff relationship.
  • Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without anyfear of being victimized.
  • Advising Students/staff of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another andshow utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.


The Committee redresses the Grievances received in the following matters:-

  • Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
  • Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from admission, library etc,
  • Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation offood, availability of transport etc.


  • The cases are attended promptly on receipt of written grievances.
  • The Committee formally meets to review all cases, prepares statistical reports about the number of cases received, attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.


  • The details of the members of the grievance redressal committee is to be displayed on the notice board.
  • The provision of conveying of grievance is to be available on website or through a drop box placed in the campus.
  • GRC is to regularly check the drop box and the responses at the website and conduct a meeting to decide the severity of the grievance and action to be taken.
  • Grievances related to fees etc will be taken up only if the relevant financial documents are attached.


Sr. Employee Name Profession Designation
1 Dr. Devichand Rathod Principal Chairman
2 Prof. Rohan More Asst. Professor Member Secretary
3 Prof. Rama B. Ranjankar Asst. Professor Grievance Redressal / Ombudsman
4 Prof. Anil Bhatkar Asst. Professor Grievance Redressal / Ombudsman
5 Mr. Avinash Sargar Asst. Professor Grievance Redressal / Ombudsman
6 Mr. Prathamesh Shinde Student Representative Member
7 Ms. Dilesha Parihar Student Representative Member